Saturday, December 3, 2011

Wolf on Romney

Dr. Milton Wolf's latest piece in the Washington Times deals with GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney. He debunks the myth of Romney's "electability".

Here's an excerpt from "Candidate in the Cross Hairs":
At the core of Mr. Obama's failed presidency are the two intertwined, evil strands of DNA, Obamacare and Obamanomics, and with them the era of failed bailouts, high unemployment, government takeovers, crony payoffs and a downgraded America. Luckily for Mr. Obama, his two chief vulnerabilities -- Obamacare and jobs -- are the very ones most easily neutralized should he face Mr. Romney.

Obamneycare: Mr. Romney's Massachusetts Romneycare is the forebear of Obamacare. Both are premised on the notion that the governing class may force its subjects into government-knows-best health-insurance servitude. Mr. Romney will continue in vain to deny the similarities between Obamacare and Romneycare, but there isn't enough hair gel in the world to straighten that hairdo. Every minute spent trying is a lost minute.

Jobs: Mr. Romney, founding partner of Bain Capital, acknowledges laying off workers but has claimed that his business ventures have, on net, created jobs. I believe him. I also appreciate the economic benefit of "creative destruction." But this matters little in campaigns. Perception becomes political reality. Mr. Obama’s counter for his own abysmal jobs record -- 2 million lost -- will be to showcase every person who was ever laid off by Mr. Romney. Recall the dagger in the heart of Mr. Romney's 2008 campaign, Mike Huckabee’s simple statement, "I want to be a president who reminds you of the guy you work with, not the guy who laid you off."
(Read the full text of "Candidate in the Cross Hairs".)

There are many Tea Party supporters and advocates of limited government who view Romney as just a watered down version of Obama. If the GOP nominates Romney, they'll turn off many of those potential supporters. Running on a platform of "I'm still bad, just not quite as bad as the other guy" is hardly a winning formula.

(Side note: Curious how Dr. Wolf's metaphor of "cross hairs" has failed to elicit the self-righteous rhetoric about violence and civility that we've seen when similar metaphors were used against Democrats. It's almost as if there were some kind of media double-standard or something...)