[This looks like a very informative event, occurring Saturday 9/17/2011, 1pm - 5pm Eastern Time. See below for details on how to watch the free live streaming video. -- PSH]

The Lehigh Valley COALITION for Health Care Reform
proudly presents a free Constitution Day Educational Workshop
Everything You Wanted to Know About "ObamaCare"
(but didn't know who to ask)
Click here for details:
FREE and open to the public - Live Streaming Video
Saturday, September 17, 2011
1 to 5 p.m. (Doors open at Noon)
Gerald White Pavilion of the University Center
on the campus of DeSales University
2755 Station Avenue, Center Valley, PA 18034
Expert Presentations, Q&A, Breakout Sessions, Exhibits
Health care professionals, policy experts,
grassroots advocates, and legislative leaders
will explain how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA),
also known as "ObamaCare," affects every American
FREE and open to the public - Live Streaming Video
Topics include:
The Nuts and Bolts of "ObamaCare"
How "ObamaCare" affects Personal Liberty, Health Insurance, Health Care Choice, and the Uninsured
How "ObamaCare" affects Families, Children, and Seniors
How "ObamaCare" affects Medicare, Medicaid, Taxpayers, and the Deficit
How "ObamaCare" affects Businesses, Workers, Job Creation, and the Economy
How "ObamaCare" affects Doctors, Patients, Quality of Care, and Access to Care
How "ObamaCare" affects States, Efforts to Repeal and Replace "ObamaCare," and much more
Sponsored by:
Docs 4 Patient Care (www.docs4patientcare.org)
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons - AAPS (http://www.aapsonline.org)
The Galen Institute (www.Galen.org)
Heritage Action for America (www.HeritageAction.com)
Americans for Prosperity - Pennsylvania (www.americansforprosperity. org/pennsylvania)
The Black Ribbon Project (www.theblackribbonproject.org )
M.D. News (www.MDNews.com)
V.S.A.S. Orthopaedics (www.vsas.com)
New World Aviation (www.NewWorldAviation.com)
Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry (www.pachamber.org)
Pennsylvania Commercial Action Network - PA-CAN (www.pa-can.org)
The Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights (www.aynrand.org)
and the
Lehigh Valley COALITION for Health Care Reform
FREE and open to the public - Live Streaming Video
Please reserve your free seat online:
or call toll free: 1-888-698-4111 (Line 1) Look for us on Meetup, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn!
For more information, email ObamaCareEvent@aol.com or call 1-888-698-4111 (Line 2)
Directions: DeSales University Campus Map
Please join the Lehigh Valley COALITION for Health Care Reform if you'd like to support
ongoing efforts to educate the public and elected officials about the intended and unintended effects
of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka "ObamaCare."
Doors Open at Noon
1 p.m. Welcome and Introduction
1 p.m. Welcome and Introduction
The Nuts and Bolts of ObamaCare — What Happens When? Donna Baver Rovito, Chair, Lehigh Valley Coalition for Health Care Reform
A Constitution Day Question — Is ObamaCare Constitutional? How ObamaCare Affects Pennsylvania PA State Representative Stephen Bloom (PA-199th)
How ObamaCare affects Families, Children, and Seniors and Why Doctors Oppose It Elena R. Farrell, D.O., Docs 4 Patient Care – PA Chapter Co-Founder
How ObamaCare affects Personal Liberty, Taxpayers, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Deficit K. Nicholas Pandelidis, M.D., Docs 4 Patient Care – PA Chapter Co-Founder
How ObamaCare affects Businesses, Workers, Job Creation & the Economy Samuel Denisco, Director of Gov’t Affairs, PA Chamber of Business and Industry
How ObamaCare affects Doctors, Patients, Access to Care, Quality of Care, and American Medical Innovation Richard A. Armstrong, M.D., F.A.C.S, Chief Operating Officer, Docs 4 Patient Care
IS ObamaCare Constitutional? Federal Efforts to Defund, Repeal, Replace ObamaCare Speaker: Rep John Shadegg (AZ-3), Retired
2:55 Ten Minute Break
What YOU Can Do to Help Defeat ObamaCare — Three Grassroots Efforts Right Here in PA Pennsylvania Health Care Freedom Act (HB42) Terrence O’Connor, Esq.
Nullification William Taylor Reil
Health Care Compacts John Morningstar
Replacing ObamaCare: Why Separate Reforms Can Win the Day John F. Brinson, Chair, Lehigh Valley Tax Limitation Committee
Effective Solutions — What Would Be Better than ObamaCare? Alieta Eck, M.D., President Elect, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), Co-Founder, Zarephath Health Center
3:50 p.m. Break, Breakout Sessions, Visit Exhibits
Small breakout sessions will provide a rare opportunity to chat with our speakers in a more personal
setting and gain additional insight into their areas of expertise
setting and gain additional insight into their areas of expertise
4:10 p.m. Expert Panel
Speakers will reconvene for 45 minutes of discussion and Q & A from the floor and online viewers. Moderator: Donna Baver Rovito
4:55 p.m. Closing Remarks
Doors will remain open until 6 p.m