Friday, May 18, 2012

Good News On Personal Genetic Testing

People can and do use their personal genetic data appropriately.

 From the 5/17/2012 NIH News, "NIH-led study finds genetic test results do not trigger increased use of health services":
People have increasing opportunities to participate in genetic testing that can indicate their range of risk for developing a disease. Receiving these results does not appreciably drive up or diminish test recipients' demand for potentially costly follow-up health services, according to a study performed by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and colleagues at other institutions.
(Read the full text.)

If people wish to pay to know their genomic data, they should be allowed to in order to help them manage their lives and their health better.

Related: "Should You Be Allowed to Know What’s in Your DNA?" (PJMedia, 7/15/2010)