Friday, March 23, 2012

Elder: ObamaCare Still a Disaster

In the 3/22/2012, Larry Elder observes, "ObamaCare Still a Disaster -- No Matter How the Supreme Court Decides".

One excerpt:
...In addition to the excise tax on medical device manufacturers, ObamaCare imposes many more taxes, including the following: an individual mandate excise tax for adults who don't purchase "qualifying" health insurance; an employer mandate tax for those companies who don't offer health coverage; and a surtax on investment income -- making the rate as high as 43.4 percent on gross income from interest, annuities, royalties, net rents and passive income for families making more than $250,000.

Given this, will we see the same private-sector investments in the health care field, as ObamaCare imposes ever more regulations designed at increasing "accessibility" and "controlling costs"?
Elder also discusses how ObamaCare won't control costs, either. And will create a "brain drain" similar to what has already happened under Great Britain's socialized system.

Read the full text of "ObamaCare Still a Disaster -- No Matter How the Supreme Court Decides".