Thursday, June 7, 2007

Richard Watts LTE on 208 Commission

On May 31, 2007, the Glenwood Springs Post-Independent published the following LTE by Richard Watts:

Don't allow the government to dictate your health care

Dear Editor,

The AP article titled, "Panel wants a consolidated plan to reform health care" notes that Blue Ribbon Commission members say they "want to issue a consolidated plan on ways the state can provide coverage for 770,000 Coloradans who lack health insurance." But it is not the proper role of government to "provide coverage," nor to ensure that everyone in Colorado has health insurance.

The commission thinks it knows best, discarding the only free market proposal (called FAIR), considering only proposals which would force more government control and regulation of health care on every person in Colorado, assuming a right to make your health decisions instead of your being allowed to decide. The 208 Commission's chairman voices concern that TABOR could require the issue to go before the voters - the commission does not want you making your health choices for yourself, and they worry you will reject their plan if you are allowed to choose.

The 208 Commission's proposals would violate your right as an individual to decide how much of your money you spend, which providers you go to and which treatments you get. Their plan would be a disaster for you, for your doctor and for Colorado.

To learn more about how government interference caused the problems we face in health care and health insurance, visit

Richard Watts