Mitchell said other industrialized countries that have adopted national health care or single-payer systems don't offer the same level of health care as the American system offers, and that's what most Americans want.
"Access to a waiting list is not access to health care," he said. "If you have a serious health-care problem, you're twice as likely to die in a socialized system."
...Mitchell said national health-care systems tend to restrict access to care, which helps keep their per-capita costs down. "Who's going to make the decision that you're getting too much treatment and it has to stop?" he said.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Health Care Debate in Fort Collins
The Northern Colorado Business Report summarized a recent debate in Fort Collins on between an advocate of single-payer socialized medicine (Cory Carroll, M.D.) and an opponent of socialized medicine (State Senator Shawn Mitchell). Here are some excerpts of Sen. Mitchell's views: