The upcoming Physician Summit 2013 conference has posted their speaker profiles.
I won't be able to attend, but they have a good lineup, including Dr. Lee Gross and Dr. Kathleen Brown.
Click through to learn more about their program and how to register.
Speaker Spotlight
The Physicians Summit 2013 is ramped up and underway for November 1-2 in Dallas.
We are pleased to present our Speaker Spotlight series — overviews of
some of the excellent speakers you will hear at the Summit. In this, our
first Speaker Spotlight installment, we’re honored to introduce Dr. Lee Gross, M. D., Co-Founder of Epiphany Health, National Executive Board member of Docs4PatientCare, and tireless champion for freedom and innovation in medical care and delivery.
is also our honor to spotlight Kathleen M. Brown, M.D., Dermatologist,
and owner of Oregon Coast Dermatology as our second speaker for the