Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Liggett and McCoy Against Mandatory Insurance

The April 12, 2008 Denver Post printed two LTE's against mandatory health insurance:

Gina Liggett wrote:
I disagree with The Post's editorial praising Senate Bill 217's "foundation for universal health care in Colorado." State Sen. Bob Hagedorn's bill will squash real reform. Real reform means upholding the rights of individual consumers and providers to freely contract for care under mutually agreeable terms. Real reform means that your money isn't taken away from you to subsidize someone else while you're also paying for your own family.

Good examples of real reform are Health Savings Accounts, eliminating legal barriers to obtaining insurance plans in other states, slashing mandates, and stopping the runaway legislative train of government-run programs.

In the words of Dr. Phil, "What were you thinking?"

Gina M. Liggett, Denver
Jeffrey McCoy wrote:
Your editorial offered support of state Senate Bill 217, a study that would move toward a universal health care plan by 2010. The ultimate goal would be to mandate "health insurance for citizens who now lack it, just as motorists are required to have automobile liability insurance."

However, there is a big difference between mandating health insurance and mandating automobile liability insurance. If one gets into a car accident and he is at fault, then he must pay the other driver for damages. Without car insurance, compensation may not be paid. On the other hand, when someone does not have health insurance and gets into an accident, no one other than that person is harmed.

People have limited resources and they must decide where they want those resources to go. People have different needs for health insurance, and if some rationally decide that they do not need health insurance, then they should be able to make that choice. The Senate Appropriations Committee should protect individual choice regarding health insurance and not approve Senate Bill 217.

Jeffrey McCoy, Boulder