Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Hsieh PJM Column: Herd Immunity Applies To Guns As Well As Vaccinations

My latest piece for PJ Media, "Herd Immunity Applies to Guns as Well as Vaccinations":
The medical theory of “herd immunity” posits that enough vaccinated individuals in a population can reduce the risk of contracting a disease — even for those who aren’t vaccinated. From the experience in Illinois and around the country, a relatively small number of armed people can similarly reduce the risk of crime — even for those who aren’t armed.
The "payoff" may be even better for gun ownership than vaccination.  In the case of Illinois, even a relatively small 1% of people with new concealed carry licenses has resulted in a dramatic decrease in violent crime rates.

For more details, read the full text of "Herd Immunity Applies to Guns as Well as Vaccinations".