Monday, January 26, 2015

Hsieh Forbes Column on "Right To Die"

My latest Forbes piece is now out, "Does Your Right To Life Include The Right To Die?"

I discuss the revived debate over physician-assisted suicide, especially in the wake of Brittany Maynard's decision to end her life following a diagnosis of terminal brain cancer. This issue is being debated in several state legislatures, including New Jersey and California, so we will be hearing much more about this in coming months.

I recognize that this is a controversial topic and that good physicians can disagree on this issue. Nonetheless, I believe this should be a legal option for patients, provided that there are appropriate safeguard to protect both the patient and the physician.

In my piece I cover three main subpoints:
1) Your life is your own.
2) The state has a legitimate (even vital) role to play in assisted suicide.
3) Physicians must not be required to participate
For more details, please read the full text of "Does Your Right To Life Include The Right To Die?"

(Much of this material is drawn from the recent Philosophy In Action podcast by my wife Dr. Diana Hsieh and her co-host Greg Perkins in their 1/18/2015 segment, "The Right To Die".)

(Photo: Brittany Maynard by Allie Hoffman
Creative Commons Attribution – Share Alike)