Health Care 'Disaster'The fight continues.
You are right that the collapse of TennCare ("The TennCare lesson: A natural disaster," March 27 and was an ominous indicator of what will now happen across the U.S. A more recent example is Massachusetts, where mandated health insurance has become the most expensive insurance in the U.S.
Federal mandates and new coverage requirements on top of state regulations will result in a new "race to the top" of rapidly escalating insurance premiums caused by this government action -- while Medicare and Medicaid costs continue to spin out of control. Then a nonexistent "free market" will get the blame and justify an even heavier government hand.
Richard E. Ralston
The writer is executive director of Americans for Free Choice in Medicine in Newport Beach, Calif.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Ralston LTE in Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
The Apri1 1, 2010 Pittsburgh Tribune Review published this LTE by Richard Ralston on ObamaCare: