Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ralston's Roar

The September 1, 2009 World Tribune published another OpEd by Richard Ralston of Americans for Free Choice in Medicine. His piece is entitled, "Roar from a Heartland awakened by looming government health care". Here's the opening:
Nearly a century ago, the Federal Reserve Board was created to eliminate the supposed economic problems of a free market. A century of inflation, recessions, one or two depressions, huge expansion in government debt, and wild swings in unemployment tells us the system may not be working.

Now, after forty years of expansive spending by Medicare and Medicaid -- uncontrolled and without funding -- we are told that what we need is the creation of Fannie Med to take over what remains of private health care. People are starting to get suspicious...
(Read the full text of "Roar from a Heartland awakened by looming government health care".)