Brief No. 651, "Exposing the Myths of Universal Health Coverage"
Myth No. 1: Employer Mandates Would Make Coverage Affordable.Brief No. 652, "The Folly of Health Insurance Mandates":
Myth No. 2: Insurance Costs Can Be Limited to 10 Percent of Income.
Myth No. 3: Guaranteed Issue and Community Rating of Premiums Protect Consumers.
Myth No. 4: Expanding Government Insurance Improves Access to Care.
Problem: Employer Mandates Are a Tax on Employees.
Problem: Employer Mandates Are Limited by Federal Law.
Problem: Individual Mandates Are Difficult to Enforce.
Problem: Individual Mandates Are Vulnerable to Special Interests.
Problem: Mandated Acceptance Raises Premiums.
Right Solution: A National Insurance Market.