According to the May 5, 2008
Globe and Mail, Canadian women and newborn babies are suffering due to
rationing of neonatal care:
More than 100 Canadian women with high-risk pregnancies have been sent to United States hospitals over the past year – in what a doctors' group attributes to the lack of a national birthing plan. The problem has peaked, with British Columbia and Ontario each sending a record number of women to U.S. neonatal intensive care units (NICUs).
..."Neonatologists are very stretched right now," Dr. Lalonde [Andre Lalonde, executive vice-president of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada] said in a telephone interview from Ottawa. "We're so stretched, it's kind of dangerous."
..."We're transferring babies across the province, in all directions, to try to find an extra bed for the next potential birth or for any baby already born," Dr. Chessex [Philippe Chessex, division head of neonatology for B.C. Women's Hospital & Health Centre] said in a telephone interview from Vancouver. "We now have babies who have been transferred up to six times after leaving here before reaching home."
David Catron adds the following
personal note:
This story resonated with me because, as it happens, my eldest daughter was a premie. She was a "thirty-week baby," fifteen inches long and weighing in at a little less than three pounds.
And how did she fare in the evil "profit-driven" U.S. system? Well, there was a bed for her ...about 100 yards away. And a neonatologist was on hand to manage her care from the moment she took her first breath.
What kind of moron would want to exchange a system like that for a pig's breakfast like the Canadian system?