Thursday, November 13, 2014

AZ Approves "Right to Try"

I just learned of this bit of good election news, in the Washington Post (11/5/2014):"Voters in Arizona just overwhelmingly backed a 'Dallas Buyers Club' law":
Arizona voters on Tuesday became the latest state to approve a law providing terminally ill patients with greater access to unproven medical treatments, following in the footsteps of four states enacting similar measures this year.

Arizona's new law marks the first time a so-called "Right to Try" measure was approved by ballot initiative — and did so convincingly — after Colorado, Louisiana, Missouri and Michigan all passed laws in the past six months.
USA Today supported similar laws in its 8/17/2014 piece, "FDA vs. right to try: Our view".

For those who want to read an opposing view, see "USA TODAY flubs it big time over right-to-try laws".