Tuesday, December 4, 2012

MedCottage Innovation

This sounds like a potentially helpful innovation for many elderly Americans and their families: "MedCottage: An 'American Solution' for Eldercare".

As Ross England describes in his blog post for The Objective Standard:
[T]he MedCottage, is a pre-fabricated, modular, and portable “three-room apartment equipped like a hospital room. There are safety rails, lighted floorboards, and a wall with a first-aid kit and defibrillator machine.” Nicknamed the “Granny Pod,” the MedCottage “runs its water, electric, and waste disposal systems off the care-giver’s home systems.”
Dupin created the MedCottage to provide an alternative for caregivers whose parents need more constant care but who, for various reasons, aren’t willing or able to resort to professional nursing homes...
For more information, see the MedCottage webpage.