Can Capitalism Save American Health Care?Full details here.
We are surrounded by medical miracles: polio has been eradicated; childhood leukemia is now treatable; death by cardiovascular disease has declined by two-thirds in the last fifty years. Yet while American medicine has never been better, angst over American health care has never been greater.
Why is American health care such a mess? In his path breaking book Dr. David Gratzer goes to the heart of the problem, showing that the crisis in American health care stems largely from its addiction to outmoded and discredited economic ideas.
What needs to be done? Dr. Gratzer mounts a bold and provocative argument, rejecting the conventional wisdom that socialized health care is compassionate. Instead, he prescribes a dose of capitalism.
Weighing in on the most controversial topics in health care, Dr. Gratzer makes the case that it's possible to reduce health expenses, insure millions more, and improve quality of care while not growing government or raising taxes. He is an award-wining author, essayist, and a master storyteller.* Is a single-payer health care system really the panacea many people believe?Thursday, October 18, 2007
* We allow market mechanisms to organize five-sixths of the U.S. economy. Can markets work in the one-sixth represented by health care?
* Can we cast-off the yoke of employer-sponsored health plans and make health care truly portable?
* Can anything be done to avert the looming crises in Medicaid and Medicare?
Kent Denver School, Anschutz Theatre
4000 East Quincy Avenue
Englewood, Colorado
Doors Open at 5:15 p.m.
Program Begins at 5:45
Lecture with Q & A, from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Tickets, $20 per person
Patron Dinner:
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Tickets, $150 per person (includes lecture)
Directions: Kent Denver School is located at the intersection of Colorado Boulevard and Quincy Avenue in Englewood, Colorado.
About the Speaker
David Gratzer, a physician in Toronto, Canada, is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and peer reviewer for numerous publications. Dr. Gratzer's research interests include Medicare and Medicaid, drug reimportation, and FDA reform. He is the author of the 2006 book The Cure: How Capitalism Can Save American Health Care. Dr. Gratzer is frequently invited to speak on health reform and is often quoted on health matters across North America. He has been cited in the New England Journal of Medicine, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times.
Monday, October 1, 2007
David Gratzer Event In Denver
Dr. David Gratzer, physician and author of The Cure: How Capitalism Can Save American Health Care will be speaking in Denver on Thursday October 18, 2007. His talk in sponsored by the Colorado Council on Economic Education, and here is their announcement: